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Return Policy

We do offer a refund or replacement in case of misprinted/damaged/defective items.

To do so, please contact us and share a detailed description of the problem and add quality photos where we can see the issue. We’ll be happy to assist and reship the product for you.

However, since all items are made on-demand, our return policy doesn’t cover buyer’s remorse or wrongly ordered sizes, so we won’t be able to issue you a refund for the order in those cases.

Shipping time

On average order fulfillment takes 2–5 business days, after which it’s shipped out. The shipping time depends on your location, but can be vary 4-14 days

Customs fees

Usually we choose the closest fulfilment center to you to reduce shipping time and additional fees. For example orders from US are usually fulfilled from US, and EU orders are fulfilled from EU etc. But rarely—usually if a product is unavailable—it will be routed to another location. Depending on your order’s destination and fulfillment location, you might have to pay customs fees. The fees vary depending on the order value, country limits, and other factors.

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